Why support Arboris

In danger of extinction
Several ecosystems in Pernambuco and surrounding States are in danger of extinction due to human activity, especially these days. Laws that are supposed to protect fragmented habitats don't allow those areas to recover from centuries of deforestation and destruction. An intervention is needed to allow fragmented habitats to be reconnected.
In order to help fragmented habitats to recover from human activity, we need to intervene in current land activities and land use. Rights to key areas that are suited to reconnect fragmented habitats have to be acquired in order to guarantee a permanent connection, which is protected from destructive human activity.
After having acquired the rights to key areas in between fragmented habitats, those areas need to be restored to their native vegetation. This is a time consuming effort, which needs to be executed to perfection. There has to be extensive research and efforts put into collecting data and viable seeds from neighboring habitats in a non invasive manner. A plan has to be made to which species coexist in a given habitat, have positive interactions and support.
Areas which are in the process of being restored, which are restored or which already have native vegetation need to be protected from all types of invasive or destructive activities.

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